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Monday, July 31

I know you don’t feel pretty
Even though you really are

I thrive daily on your laughter and those smiles I never can master. (:

I'm moving on to 2 panadol extras already but even then it doesnt seem to work. I guess some sleep is in order.

Dont be mistaken, I really dont like you. I'm sorry I'm a fake.

Though we may be so far apart
You still would have my heart
So forget your past, my goodbye girl
Cause now you're home at last

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/31/2006 07:46:00 PM

Sunday, July 30

Go Go Power Rangers!


Every minuscule movement of yours hit me like a thousand horses.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/30/2006 09:41:00 PM

Friday, July 28

He drops to his knees

Hello everyone! I'm now proudly part of the 4 Million Smiles Campaign! You can look for me (and Hazel) if you want to waste your time and run away from the books (:

Regrettably, I'm affected all the same. More than being upset by the true impetus that affected me (lets call it XXX) , I'm more at grief with myself for being affected by XXX. ):

I think it was absolutely funny when Gary said that Ms Williams was asking for it when she set us about the question on nothingness. After all, no matter how it is phrased, the bottom line is that nothing may be something but something can be nothing. Thankfully, no such line made its appearence in my essay.

I should have given you a reason to stay

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/28/2006 11:44:00 PM

Thursday, July 27

Don't tell me to stay strong; its ironic when you're my crippling force.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/27/2006 08:42:00 PM


Two of the brightest smiles you'll ever come to know ((:

It takes an even eviler person to show you that the person you thought was evil in the first place is not really evil at all.

I had the decency to not point fingers and be a loud mouth and you had the decency to protect your own skin. Sounds like a fair trade to me. (:

You're the kind of person I want to blot out of my life but have no choice but to smile and pretend while writing hate notes in my mind. (But I pretty much fail at this cause I'm never great at hiding such intentions, how very much unlike you) Goodness, I sound so childish. Just abit lah okay, I'm seventeen! (This is not meant to be a hint whatsoever)

I cant wait till Ms Ng comes back, I promise never to anger her again.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/27/2006 07:20:00 PM

Wednesday, July 26

Those who fall behind, gets left behind.

Sadly, its all too true.

Jack Sparrow (!!!!) is charming beyond all charm humanly possible. Hes the kind of guy I'll like to fall in love and sail off into the sunset on his Black Pearl with. :D

I think we're all seeking escapism - in the new TV show, in the new love target, in the love of your life, in the friends you conveniently reach out to, etc etc. Some people just make it more obvious than others. Not that I'm in the best position to comment about that but lets snap out of this pathetic state yes?

I may be terribly wrong, maybe everyone is so truly contented with life and the smiles are only facades in my imagination. I wonder does anyone think these same thoughts when they look at me.

I'm good with the way things are now. Could be better, but it'll do for now. (:

Sometimes I fall so hard into my world of disillusions. ):

Haha, I'm not at odds against the world. I feel I need adventure, I need to break this mould and do new things everyday. No, I'm not influenced by the glass menagerie. I always felt that there must be more than this provincial life.

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more then life can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more then they've got planned.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/26/2006 10:00:00 PM

Tuesday, July 25

Nothings gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you

I don't often blog about specific areas of my schoolwork (as if I need more reminders around) but I'm extremely fustrated with the History tutorial question 3 : Discuss the development of Thai nationalism in the 20th century. Either this is a completely intelligent question designed to make poor humble students like myself feel completely stupid or it is just a dumb and lousy question that we have overrated.

Daniel Seng made us write our problem areas with History (isn't that like all?) and proceeded to group us up with people with the same problem areas. Yeah right as if. He placed Wongci, PPX and I in the same group though we don't exactly have the same issues and just so coincidently, the 3 of us are 'attitude' cases (though not completely justified in PPX's case). So we expect our 'consultation sessions' to an attitude reforming class? Oh great. Now we're forced to leech onto other groups to escape that horrid fate. So much for a fair, great and deserving teacher. I do hope I didn't give him a teachers gift last year. (Okay lah, I admit that he does have a good heart, pity we got on a wrong start. Sometimes my blog is one side and biased, the way I meant it to be.)

Dont get me wrong I dont blame all my teachers for whatever dismal grades I get cause they can teach (or not teach) what they want. I acknowledge that I have to work hard on my own. Such is the beauty of SDL, and I feel that it is amazingly good training for the university. Therefore, come to AJC should you desire to start your own learning 2 years early. (By that I include marking your own GP essays and AQ, reading up endlessly on history facts cause apparently, the thick notes is simply insufficient as well as doing close reading of lit text on our own). All these while ending school at 6.15 for 3/5 days of school.)

Maybe what I need to is to implant a device in my brain that sends a miniscule
volt of electricity everytime the lazy/indulgent/unmotivated parts of my brain
are being stimulated. That'll show me! How dare I have the temerity to play
around at this time of the year when it's barely
(6!!!!) weeks to the exams and I
still am not entirely confident of which texts to write on for English, let
alone start memorizing quotes for them!


Alicia and Gary can contest for the funniest blog award I promise. In terms of looks (no ugly act-chio, wanna-be, fake lashes pictures to irritate the ends of your toenails), substance (although both are increasingly on the decline, I'll rather know about the latest random aspect of their lives then what the hottest fashion is), and humour (not overly and tastelessly done), they reign superior by endless miles.

I don't think I've slept in class yet (Mass civics doesnt count cause its not a proper lesson and its in the Audi anyway) ever since Daniel Seng's inspiring words got to me. But the effect is not greatly felt, its saddening really :/

I've learnt that my blog is act-happy and extremist. I'm very affected by the words "act-happy" because I'm afraid that this is who I really am sometimes. Now I'm not sure, but its good this way.

I can carry Raine cradle style!

You aren't the only one who wished you meant more to me.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/25/2006 07:56:00 PM

Monday, July 24

Anywhere theres a crowd, you stand out

They almost make me feel like switching from air-conditions to fans. For someone who wants to heal the world, using air-cons seem to be almost an irony. :/ Well, I do make up for it by recycling paper! (:

Today AJC had this evacuation drill. There was an uproar in the RR while shenglong and I sat in and laughed at the stream of befuddled people on the basketball courts. And I found this (or something along these lines anyway) by the principal very extremely funny : Those who have left your food in the canteen, please note that there might have been birds eating it. For hygiene purposes, please do not continue eating it. Funny what, no meh? haha (:

Even though we know that we always have to face the music and pay the price sooner or later, we're just incorrigible people who'll rather enjoy that moment of convenience. Like how I never bother to do anything with my schoolbuzz, only to realize much much later how all my achievements are strikingly missing (e.g interhouse basketball and soccer and 7 aside-soccer competition) Grrr. I blame the school for not making it clear that we have to sign up for schoolbuzz activities ourselves. (Sometimes, it just appears, and sometimes it doesnt. Why?) And I've enough hours for a Platinum Service Award, someone tell me how to apply! (My ignorance is once again blamed on the school. Or maybe it was cause I was sleeping in one of the many mass civics lesson)

NONONO! I'm not supposed to be mean no more! But I really cant help unpleasant thoughts sometimes how how! No, maybe I'm not mean! Maybe I just don't like you. Yes, that must be it since you're the exception. :) Now I feel better already.

I'm a corward, but hes an easy thing to be.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/24/2006 09:08:00 PM

Sunday, July 23

A tale of modern love

I found this Chinese song I've been looking for since I was about Pri 6. Wheehee ((: Some things just do make a great impact. I don't even thing I remember the names of some of my friends from 6 years ago.

Jie da huan xi - jin zhuang ban just ended. :( :( :( Sundays will never be the same again.

Despite all the cheena-ness, I'm really no more an ah-lian than I was. (:

In 2 days, 3 different people have asked me 3 very different questions. All of which are rather disturbing. Haha, think think think. They'll probably end up unanswered anyway.

I finally watches Pirates 1, and boy is Jack Sparrow charming beyond charming! (:

Meryl's recent post is a classic example of a fallacy. Not all who walk past the poor blind man without sparing a cent are heartless. Sometimes you don't have the change, sometimes you're lazy, and sometimes you don't believe if the person is disabled enough to warrant a donation. By her definition, should you walk down the streets of Bangkok, you'll end up with 1 baht or even less. Of course we should donate sometimes, but perhaps its rather unrealistic to say that this must be done all the time. (but of course we should try as much as possible to buy tissues from the poor old lady, especially so if shes the ultra skinny kind, because firstly, shes a poor old lady and secondly, you always need tissues anyway)

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/23/2006 10:29:00 PM

Saturday, July 22

Counting stars again

After going through many many ugly pictures of me, I present to you the long overdue NUS race adventura pictures. ((: (And because I've recently developed a taste for contrasted photos, so you'll just have to learn to like them as well)

Two-one-two : Team Tau-huay!


False medals, but a good picture nonetheless.

I'm no longer who I was, sure you've realized.

I dont think I know everything about everyone, but I do know somethings about some people. And sometimes knowing too much is an extra burden cause you dont know what you should and can say anymore. But I do care, and I do try. Dont tell me if you dont want to anyway, I'll understand.

We do realize how much we actually understand each other, maybe previously I would like to think about how to better this situation and to make the world a beautiful place. But not now, not anymore - I've got too many things to worry my head about. I'm fine with leaving things the way they are. Although, of course, I wont say no to better relations.

Maybe being very tired is no reason to become a neglient friend. Oh fiddlesticks, I will strive super hard alright, and I'm going to start with you. ((:

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/22/2006 11:39:00 PM

ver·ti·go ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vûrt-g)
n. pl. ver·ti·goes or ver·ti·gos

The sensation of dizziness.
An instance of such a sensation.
A confused, disoriented state of mind.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/22/2006 10:08:00 AM

Friday, July 21

I feel the earth move under my feet

Today is bad day number 728917821.

My friend said a simple sentence of 4 words. There wasnt supposed to be any connotation- it was a casual remark not directed at anyone or anything. And I doubt she'll ever know that that passing phrase to her will be bringing me much distress for the many many days to come. ): I'm just overly sensitive but no one needs to know that.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/21/2006 09:07:00 PM

Thursday, July 20

Tell me lies,
Tell me sweet little lies

Sometimes all we need is a smile from that certain someone to make our day. (:

There are so many things I dont expect you to remember, and so many others I didnt expect you to forget.

jho says:

jho says:
dat you are..

jho says:

jho says:

jho says:

Whee hee, I love being fierce! (:

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/20/2006 09:12:00 PM

Wednesday, July 19

Maybe its childish,
Maybe its wrong,
But so is your blank stare in lieu of this song

Maybe I've been wrong all these while. I'm been stupid, silly and idealistic. But I really thought that... well, that hardly matters now, I wish you well.

Donating blood today was such a happy affair. Three cheers for Alan, Taiyong, Changtai, RSSP and me! And look! I've got a happy bumblebee bandage. :) ( and we had to take a photo with that drop of blood)

Sometimes people can just be so fustrating to be around. You can be so close with a friend for this period of time, but everything you thought was could be naught in just weeks. I do really like you and the things you do. But its fustrating when nothing happening and the defensive blockade you put in place remains as firm as ever. Sadly, I'll probably never found out what went wrong somehow and if you havent already guessed, I'm too tired to try.

I'm undecided as to if I hate the unknown or not. I would think yes to a large extent.

Haiya, its all beyond me, the best way out would be to run away. I hate you for teaching me these cowardice.

I'm in a mood for watching movies alone. Maybe I'll do just that tomorrow. (And if you see me, pretend not to please)

If i gave you a nice bar of chocolate, you threw it on the floor and stomped on it, do not expect me to be gracious enough to pick it up, clean it and return it to you. Nope, I'm not some Cordelia.

In fact, I'm a pretty evil person. I'm the kind that if I was going to kill myself, I'll take down with me all those people I dont like. (:

Shoo shoo, go away.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/19/2006 07:17:00 PM

Tuesday, July 18

I really like to listen to the soothing rhythm of a heartbeat.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/18/2006 06:31:00 PM

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you.

If you find the words on this blog familiar, you've prob been to Por's blog before.

I'm terribly sickly since I've been to AJ.

Nevermind, at least I've got you, to make me feel stronger! (:

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/18/2006 04:35:00 PM

Monday, July 17

Nothing could have prepared us for this.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/17/2006 10:00:00 PM

This isn't goodbye,
Even as I watch you leave,
This isn't goodbye,
I swear I wont cry.
Even as tears fill my eyes,
I swear I wont cry.

I'm a renewed Westlife fan! (After blogging, I will proceed to download all my westlife albums into my Ipod. :D

The weekend was an ODAC blur. I hereby proclaim ODAC guys as the sweetest ever (compared to guys la) ((: and the girls are definitely one of the bestest ! And Keith completely deserves an honourable mention! I'm not sure if hes too available right now, but supply is highly limited, contact me and place a bid now! Money back guarantee! Oh wait, how can I even think of changing him for cash? haha, alright, the deals off, I'm not sharing Keith with you all! :D

Tau-huay (HAZEL and WEILONG and ME! ) got fourth for NUS race adventura! But more than that, I'm glad we all enjoyed our first ever (for most of us) adventure race and it was tons of fun, with happy happy Seoul Garden to put the cherry on top. ((: I would tell you more about it but its too exciting, I'll save it for later. :D

Today, my muscles cursed and swore at me. I was really so tired lah, completely couldnt take it (no, not some lousy excuse to cover up the fact that I didnt prepare for history and econs). My sunburn skin screams in protest and my back rejects the muscles that are threatening to form (but Daryl thinks otherwise). Anyhow, my back is completely crying, I need limin's famous massage!

I broke 2 resolutions in the past 2 days. 1 is to stop cabbing (Cab fares are ridiculous now! 24.70 from my house to Bukit Batok!) and the other is to stop messaging RSSP-knows-who. Damn, so much for determination.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/17/2006 09:10:00 PM

Sunday, July 16

In the end, I wanna be standing at the beginning with you.

AJC Outdoor Activities Club

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/16/2006 12:42:00 AM

Thursday, July 13

I WANNA FIGHT THE WORLD! RWARH! (Or maybe I'll just fight you.)

I'm not as independant as I would like very much to be.

And thank you, thank you very much (:

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/13/2006 10:06:00 PM

Wednesday, July 12

I dream,
I can run like the wind and be strong

I've very excited about The Glass Menagerie. It sounds completely like THE play for me. (: Plus its the first time I've read a lit book beforehands. :D

I've semi-bothered about what my teachers say about my GP and History. Personally, I do not believe that by sleeping in one lesson of history tutorial will lead me to fail my As. Even if so, I think its too late to unsleep all the many MANY tutorials before. But its just unsettling. I didnt use to care - maybe its the prolonged influence of great Germaine-like people.

Maybe I dont really care for your 'advice'. Listening to you tell me how important my As are is going to do nothing to help me pass it. I'll much rather you leave me be. Its not that I'm unappreciative, I just cast serious doubts if you honestly care about me, or if you just pretend to care about me because I'm part of some entirety. If you really care, I'm sorry you're misunderstood, maybe we need to work out a better interpretation to your confusing actions. If you dont, well, dont pretend and save us the trouble.

Damn, I hate being rebellious. I swear I do, I always regret it later. I guess it is my nature thats so and my nurture that taught me otherwise. I cant wait to get out of this pithole.

Some people are plain irritating. Recently these kind of irritating people have been bugging me.
1) The kind who dont know when they are not wanted
2) Unreasonable, I-am-always-right kind
3) Insistant kind.
4) You-think-you're-right-but-I-think-you-cant-be-more-wrong kind.

That amounts to quite alot. New readers to my blog, do not imaging me to be some stuckup snob at odds with the world. I try very hard to keep my temper in check and usually I succeed. I would like to think I very seldom blow up at the world, but when I do its usually sparked off by Harry and would end in about a day. I wonder why, but no hard feelings I hope.

I dont feel like the world is on my shoulders, but I feel pretty cramped up. I have:

[Aside: And at this moment in time, Marks wondering why are none of the increasingly decent looking girls from Jaguar. Seems like a crisis to me]

I would predict I'll have about 5 minutes for myself and Bunny this exciting weekend.

Not that I dont like such a busy life. I do! It makes everyday seem so much more exciting. But sometimes I wish I had time of my very own. To come home and sleep the afternoon away, to study with my RSSP ( :( ), to eat zha jiang mian at ecp with my RSSP, to call Por/Qiu/Rina/Yin/Pam/Feng..... just because. Guess not.

Thanks for noticing Keith, dont worry, I'm not down and out. I'm just abit more irritatable this few days. Maybe its all the times I feel I have to do. Plus all the things I'm hearing and such.

I'm giving myself 1 week to hit full gear. (: Try and be kind to me please.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/12/2006 11:19:00 PM

Tuesday, July 11

You dont have to worry.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/11/2006 10:21:00 PM

Monday, July 10

You make me wanna hold you in the middle of the night

I wonder if anyone realized the contradiction in thr previous post.

Really, I tell myself again and again and again only to have to tell myself again.

I cant stand to hear about you, but I cant stand not to either.

No, it'll be best to just keep away.

I think these days irregular meals are getting to me. I put up a valient fight with the gastric monsters during time prac today.

Ms Daljit made me feel extra terrible about myself - as if my terrible GP grades didnt do a good enough job at that.

I did well for Beloved, I can hardly believe that! (:

It smells funny, as if my aircon just farted.

Soft heels make me feel very happy.

Anyway if you noticed, the World Cup has ended. Italy won so hip hip hooray! (although I hardly care) I watched my first World Cup with my friends this morning and survived school without falling asleep, a truely incredible feat! And let me proudly announce that I played Winning 11 with Alan and scored 4 goals! Wheehee. ((:

I think I'm having way too much fun as a JC2 student.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/10/2006 10:32:00 PM

Sunday, July 9

I do love you more than words can wield the metal

I will start by bringing you happy photos that I know you all miss. (:

RSSP and I make better students than models - and thats saying a lot.

Canoe Polo day was such a happy affair we JUST HAD TO hide behind the 'coconut tree'.

I think Wednesday's soccer clique is about the best thing in AJ

Somehow, retarded things are fun to do. (:

And around school -


I've just finished my ODAC reflections, its about 11.20 and I started at 2. Oh golly, I am greatness at wasting away my time.

I didn't watch Pirates of the Caribbean because of my Jie Da Huan Xi- Jing Zhuang Ban. :) And I marvel how come Hongkong have so many cute actors (Sorry, I don't quite go for Ang mors as much) - and the baby! Super duper cute la! Cuter than even my new turtle. (I'll show it to you if you ask me nicely over msn)

So so so, I'm not supporting either tonight, maybe I'll study econs while they cheer on, and its about time for me to leave. But its not as if they miss me anyway.

Which brings me to the point that I wish I had more girlfriends, the way it was in secondary school. Not that I don't like the company I'm enjoying now - I just feel that I need a bit more of the feminine touch.

Rina and I were talking about the good food we are going to attack on Friday - Orange Bowl, Pasta with fish, Purple bowl with crabstick, Uncle Mobin's iced tea, Uncle Mobin's rock hard white biscuit, ripple ice cream and Auntie Annie's new mua chee! St Nicks canteen always leave my tummy with the emptiest feeling. :(

I don't get why some people take girls (or guys for that matter) as an ornamental object. Is looking good all there is to love? (What a cliche topic you may exclaim. Proceed to close this window than. ) Indeed, looks are important to a certain extend and once you go beyond a certain dress size, you probably aren't considered attractive anymore despite whatever shining personality you may posses. But to actually dehumanize all girls, tagging them a label and everything is completely disgusting. I know I do that sometimes, but I honestly don't mean it in a demeaning manner. But I know of some who truly feel that if your 'other half' is not 'presentable' you should be terribly ashamed of him/her and keep him/her at home (or dump her/him). You poor thing, I guess your sense of worth comes from your 'ability' to boast to all your friends at the number and quality of girls you have falling at your feet. I truly hope you feel the same way when you're 37 you superficial scumbag.

That said, I think inappropriate public displays of affection are equally repulsive , regardless if you and your 'other half' are good looking or not (but if you are, it is slightly easier on the eyes). I believe in some school ethics, and being decent in school is one of them. Outside, I couldn't care less if you stay away.

Why do some people get some things they hardly deserve? Superficial people get goodlooking ornaments who are happy being ornaments. People who don't study get grades, and more unfortunately, the other way round. People who put in the effort don't get the recognition they deserve. Non-country club members sneak into country clubs. Non-SCAB people get to watch the world cup and even other channels. The world is unfair, that basically sums my above paragraph.

I do great with some people and some things in my heart. Please do not tell me what I can/cannot do. Firstly, you're not me. Secondly, I accept comments, not directions, and most certainly not from people whom I feel are doing a worse job than me at running their lives.

My last ponderous paragraph is : Who are you to define another? I'm echoing Rosanne when I say this - we are not 3D objects subjected to scrutiny and judgemnt of another. Or rather, we are not, but only if you refuse to be one. "If you do this this this, you are a loser." So how about if I say if you don't do this this this, you are a loser? Who defines loser? You? The oh-so-great winner of planet earth? I admit I'm not as self-assured as I appear to me - there are moments when I do falter and allow the judgment of another to be passed on me. But thats in my worse moments only. I try not to be. (: You're cool if you think you're cool.

That day when I was walking out of school with ODAC, I never felt worst. It was a mixture of being alone, not being alone and completely unwanted. Thankfully, it lasted for about 2 mins only. But I've never felt worst.

Alright, my songs done with its download at long last and I'm off to the world cup with ODAC! (I wish)

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/09/2006 09:35:00 AM

Saturday, July 8

In other words, Please be true.
In other words, I love you.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/08/2006 12:28:00 PM

Friday, July 7

Thank you Clems, this cheered me up considerbly! (:

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/07/2006 10:21:00 PM

I want, need, so bad to disremember, unremember, reforget - however you want to put it. It is paramount for me to break away from these shackles.

As if to mock me, Rosanne - We remember just popped up at the bottom right hand of my screen.

I'm tired.

Maybe it wont be this bad tomorrow.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/07/2006 09:57:00 PM

Thursday, July 6

VAN (:

You're loved, you're missed.


Mamihlapinatapei : 7/06/2006 01:31:00 PM

Wednesday, July 5

But I've got you, to make me feel stronger.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/05/2006 01:03:00 AM

Tuesday, July 4

Don't forget the little people who never were around
And the bigger ones who kept you down

I love vanilla Coke and Pepsi twist.

Truely grateful am I to people who truely appreciates me.

Maybe I need something that is not what I think I need now.

I should learn to not stereotype people, to not catogorize people into grades or giving them a score upon 10. I should relearn to believe that we are all beautiful and that everyones nice deep down inside. The ways things were before AJC.

Saying everything happens for a reason is like saying nothing at all. We dont always have to agree with all 'reasons' do we?

And I think my GP teacher has gone wild with euphoria at seeing our self-marked hmwork - piles after piles of them.

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/04/2006 07:43:00 PM

Monday, July 3

The hero thats in me

I finally understand why the world uses and invents vulgarities. It helps nothing but it must be angst relieving. I fight my better self a lot this days to refrain from blowing up uselessly at so many people and so many things.

Sometimes people say or do alot of things that they dont mean when they're angry. That doesnt stop those words or actions from hurting.

My mum's raising hell. I'm not gonna do a Gary and tell you all about how shes completely off all degrees of reasonability or throw my phone on the floor. I'm just gonna finish my history project and walk out the door.

Today was a great day, I may blog about it if I'm in a mood good enough to do it justice.

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/03/2006 11:06:00 PM

Sunday, July 2

Rain outside my window pouring down
feeling like a fool cos I let you down
now it’s too late to turn it around
I’m sorry for the tears I’ve made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
you made it clear when you said
I just don’t love you no more

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/02/2006 10:57:00 PM

Drive all night to hold you tight

I guess this is what they meant when they say the ball is round. I watched Prime Time world cup just and saw the England people crying and "grief soaked (me) so throughly (I) wanted to cry". My soccer guru and I have proclaimed today Be-sad-for-England Day. Brazil's day is tomorrow.

I hope Portugal wins the World Cup, they should to save England's face, plus thesole survival of those I came into the World Cup supporting remains as Christiano Ronaldo. (Yes, the one who gave Roony the poor red. In his defence, Roony really shdnt have been rude)

Superman Returns was good value for 2 hrs and 44 min. A pleasant surprise came in the form of Cyclops! (:

Although we didnt spend as much time together as I would have liked (or maybe that was cause I was late), it was nice just to meet up anyway. And have daniel tell me I look good in pink. haha

I swear I'm dont hang out at Pretty Pix and am not a neoprint fan!

Mamihlapinatapei : 7/02/2006 09:53:00 PM

roses are red


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